Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some Pictures for your Perusal

Hi folks! Here are some (possibly low quality) pictures for your enjoyment. The first picture is the view from the balcony here. It's where I've spent many an afternoon packing medications and studying for the MCAT. Oh, I've also relaxed a bit up there too!

 This is the clinic's current home. Dr. Wolf's consultation room is on the left and the waiting room/admin/pharmacy/triage is to the right. Patients wait on the benches outside on the far right. You can also see the back end of the Toyota we use to get here!
 Clifton (on left) and Gemy (on right) as we walk into neighboring communities to meet with promoters of the Water Project that Gemy oversees. It took us 2 hours to walk here and many of our patients come from further distances.
Yours Truly on a hilltop above the new clinic. The day had been spent painting the ceilings in the new pharmacy/lab - hence the paint in the hair. (Shout out to my LCC EMT friends! I sacrificed the T-shirt knowing I had the same exact one waiting for me at home.)
Some local flora above the new clinic.

The stages of construction - on bottom is a corner of the laboratory. On the top, in the roof-framing stage is what will be the residence. Yes, that's bamboo!


  1. Hats off to you, Hannah. You are a world treasure.

  2. Keep it up. Life here goes on. The local populace is threatening to form a new state because life is too hard being part of California. Wow. Perspective. From not enough to live safe and healthy, to having too much to manage reasonably.
    It is somewhere in the middle I am sure.
