Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Growing Pains

Bonjou tout moun!

M poko pale kreyol konn yon rat men m'ap apprann toujou!

I'm writing primarily to share with you what this past week has brought before I leave the beauty of wireless for 3 weeks. I think I will still have occasional access, but God only knows and I don't want any of you worrying.

I have spent the past 5 days in Port-au-Prince withe Morquettes at King's Hospital. During this time I have been doing minimal amounts of work and it has been a struggle to accept each day that passes without feeling like I have accomplished anything. However, yesterday afternoon some old friends of the Morquettes showed up, Steve and Margaret Johnson. What a joy it was for the Morquettes and of course, I always enjoy meeting new people! So this morning, I was sitting in Dr. Morquette's office with Margaret waiting to hear what job he had for me to do today, and instead was blessed with time to simply sit and be reminded that wherever I am is where God wants me to be. And whatever I am doing, can always be for His glory and I can always be learning more.

I've been surprisingly tired this week- it feels like growing pains- I have been learning so much!

I'm off to Leogane tomorrow, Lord willing, and will be meeting entirely new people and having entirely new experiences.

I'll try to keep you informed as I can!

Mesi pou priye yo, (thank you for the prayers!)


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