Friday, January 7, 2011


I speak English. You speak English. We speak English.
But MAN is it a crazy language!!
Today was Day 3 of giving the children who live at King's Garden (the orphanage part of King's Organization) English lessons. The lessons last about 2 hours or until everyone is exhausted (including myself). Today we conjugated to be, to have and to know and then made sentences with nouns, all in the present tense. We then conjugated to be and to have in the past tense and made sentences with both adjectives and nouns. They wound up being slightly depressing! You were pretty. We had a big house. I had a sister. You were a big mother. So we moved on from past tense to sentences with multiple verbs and then onto questions with Do and Does. All was going well and to finish, we learned a new song. Perhaps you know it, it's called "Enough" and it goes like this:
All of you, is more than enough for, all of me. For every thirst and, every need, you satisfy me, with your love, and all I have in you, is more than enough.
You are my supply, my breath of life, and still more awesome than I know. You are my reward, worth living for, and still more awesome than I know.
More than all I want, more than all I need, You are more than enough for me. More than all I know, more than all I can see, You are more than enough for me.
I stood in front of the class, covered in chalk dust (yellow on my black shirt), fending off the mosquitoes that came from who-knows-where as soon as the rain started, and sang this song. It was such a timely reminder.
I am going to Jacmel on Sunday - if all goes according to plans I have yet to make (don't worry mom, I'll make them!) - and will commence the part of my journey where I really am on my own. But even there, I know that I will have more than enough.

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